Introduction: The disabilities in the temporomandibular joint, the same as cephalalgias, occur very often in people. There is a remarkable connection of the deep temporal nerves and the external pterygoid muscle.
Materials and methods: 332 patients were protocolized with disability in vertebral mandibular skull; out of this amount there were 267 females and 65 males. Two- hundred twenty-six had cephalalgias. In the analysis of such dysfunction, all patients went through studies of cranial pairs Romberg; an X ray in lateral cervicalskull and orthopantomography wererequested.
Results: It is a retrospective study, analytical-inductive. There is an overrepresentation of women on these pathologies (80,4%); the average age was 43,6 ± 16,8 years. 100% of them had backgrounds in the temporomandibular joint.
Two-hundred twenty-six patients had cephalalgias, 194 were females (85%), 32 males (15%). Discussion: The percent between cephalalgia and disability in the temporomandibular joint is crucial, and the pathological problems were seldom the reason (12%). It is important considering these alterations in symptoms of cephalalgias.
Conclusions: Such disabilities are to be considered as another possible reason for cephalalgias.