The investigation was conducted in Tapi district of south Gujarat, to identify the constraints faced by Frontline Demonstration beneficiary’s neighbouring farmers in adoption of FLD Paddy production technologies. Major constraints faced by respondents were: high price of improved and hybrid seeds (75.00 per cent) and occupied first rank followed by lack of need based technical knowledge (72.00 per cent) second, yellowing of seedlings at nursery stage (69.00 per cent) third, shortage of labour (62.00 per cent) fourth and high wages of labour (61.00 per cent) occupied fifth rank. Major suggestions given by the respondents that the improved seed should be provided with cheaper rate (73.00 per cent) followed by improved seed should be provided at appropriate time (72.00 per cent), need based technical knowledge should provide through university (69.00 per cent), training should be imparted on spraying of fungicide for controlling the yellowing of seedling (64.00 per cent), labour should be made available at remunerative price (63.00 per cent).