In the terribly starting of the civilized world, the states were reciprocally interlinked. In nowadays the globe has greatly shrunken as a result of scientific and technological development. As a result, events in one part of the globe have an immediate impact on the rest of the world. Thus the states maintain regular relations with alternative states of the globe. As an alone individual is nothing equally, a state while not alternative state is nothing and within the present complicated life, a state while not relations with alternative cannot survive. Materialistic desires, religious beliefs, economic needs, industrial enterprise, security concerns, and trade and commerce etc. brought the states along. Inter-states wars brought in post-war treaties, economic and friendly arrangements and international organizations. To better understanding of those advanced interactions of the nations, it's essential to have a clear idea concern meaning, nature, scope, and significance of international relations for better and higher solutions of this complex and advanced world’s issues. The present study is descriptive in nature and based on secondary data. This paper tried to explain meaning and definitions of International Relations and analyzed the distinction between International Politics and international relations, and studied the nature, scope, and significance of International Relations from all dimensions, with that we can get crystal-clear conceptual clarity on nation-states interactions.