Purpose: Internal Marketing Orientation is the emerging notion of present time in service sectors. Employee satisfaction influences service quality and which in turn improves customer satisfaction and profitability of the firm. The purpose of the study is to explore the relationship between internal marketing. Employee satisfaction. customer satisfaction and financial performance of the firm.
Design: to identify links between internal marketing. Employee satisfaction. Customer satisfaction and financial performance various literatures have been studied. Based on these research findings a model has been proposed in this paper.
Findings: This is an exploratory work based on existing researches and constructs available. Outcome of the study is suggesting a positive link between internal marketing. employee satisfaction. Customer satisfaction and financial performance in service sectors such as hotels. Hospitals and banks. This helps to propose a model that defines their nature of relation.
But considering the limitations of the study, influence of Internal marketing on employee satisfactioncustomer satisfaction and financial performance of the firm has been explored meta analytically. So the model needs to be tested further cross organizationally to assess the practicality applicability and authenticity of it.