Wayanad district, the one and only Plateau of Kerala State of India, is well known for its own traditional paddy varieties. Once the area was rich with more than 100 traditional varieties and at present it is limited to less than twenty. With the increase in population and the related changes in the life style most of the indigenous varieties are on the verge of threat and a considerable number of them were lost forever. In this context the present study was conducted following the “Standard Evaluation System for Rice” (IRRI). Significant yield parameters of the 12 indigenous paddy varieties prevailing in Wayanad were considered. One-way Analysis of variance was done. All the variables, except the number of effective tillers, showed significant differences between varieties. Cluster analysis was also done based on the response in different yield parameters and grouped into three. The parameters like plant height, number of grains per panicle, dry grain yield and dry straw yield were found to be higher values for cluster 1. Consequently the varieties belonging to cluster 1 are measured superior to other two clusters.