Purpose: A Comparison of modified manual small incision cataract surgery (M-MSICS) with Phacoemusification in terms of intra and postoperative complications, best corrected visual acuity (BCVA), surgical duration, surgeon comfort and patient comfort. Methods: In this prospective study, the patients having cataracts with nuclear sclerosis of grade 1 to grade 4 were randomly assigned in 2-groups with 100- patients in each group [Group A (M-MSICS), Group B (PHACO)]. Following table explains the two techniques (Table 1) Both techniques were compared for each stage in terms of surgical duration and surgeon comfort [graded as comfortable (C1), convenient (C2) and difficult (C3)]. Also both techniques were compared in terms of Intra and postoperative complications, Best Corrected Visual Acuity (BCVA) and patient comfort. Follow ups in postoperative period were carried out on 1st day,1st week, 2wks and 6wks postoperatively. Results: Intraoperative complications were almost similar in 2-groups. As far as postoperative complications were concerned, in M-MSICS group the postoperative corneal edema on 1st POD was present in 8% cases as compared to 3% in PHACO.(p<0.05%). Postoperative surgical induced astigmatism at 6-weeks was +0.89D in M-MSICS group as compared to 0.40D in PHACO. Group (p<0.05%). Average surgical duration for stage 1 in both techniques was almost similar, however for stage 2 it was more in PHACO. Group (p<0.05) and for stage 3 more in M-MSICS group..The surgeon comfort for both techniques in stage1&2 was similar, but for stage3 it was more comfortable for PHACO. Visual outcome was almost similar in both techniques at 6-weeks. Conclusion: PHACO is better technique than M-MSICS in terms of less postoperative corneal edema, fast visual recovery & less postoperative surgical induced astigmatism.