Aims: To study and compare the effectiveness of Neural Tensioning Technique and Mulligan Bent Leg Raise Technique on hamstring flexibility in individuals having hamstrings tightness.
Background: The hamstrings are a two-joint muscle which flex the leg at the knee joint and extend the thigh at the hip joint. Hamstring tightness i.e. poor flexibility is a common
condition found in both symptomatic and asymptomatic subjects. Flexibility can not only be influenced by muscle elasticity but also by the nervous tissue extensibility. Techniques
Neurodynamic Tensioning Technique and Mulligan Bent Leg Raise are well known and commonly used to reduce hamstrings tightness.
Outcome Measures: Active knee extension test and Passive Straight Leg Raise test. Results: There was statistically significant difference between means of pre and post intervention of both the outcome measures i.e. Active Knee Extension and Passive Straight
Leg Raise Range of Motion within the groups but there is no statistically significant difference in post intervention means between the groups.
Conclusion: It is concluded that both Neurodynamic Tensioning Technique and Mulligan
Bent Leg Raise technique are effective on improving hamstring flexibility for asymptomatic individuals. However, there is no significant difference in improvement in hamstring flexibility between the groups.