The purpose of establishing a system of accreditation in management of primary health care was to provide high-quality services, the most important indicators that measure the quality of services provided is the degree of customer satisfaction on that service provided. In Iraq, there were many primary health care centers(PHCCs) prepare to be accredited, the study's object to find if there are differences on client’s satisfaction between PHCCs which prepare to be accredited and other, It was cross-sectional study, 210 random sample matched between two PHCCs one to be accredited and other , The study used exit interview to participants who attended to these centers seeking health services from 10 February to 13 March 2019 by used standardizes questionnaire to collect the data , The study has appeared The total degree of satisfaction in both PHCCs was (53.9%) while the PHCC that prepare to be accredited had total degree of satisfaction was (68.6%) with Chi-square.(.000) so there is a real difference in client's satisfaction between PHCC which was prepared to be accredited and other also the rate of client's satisfaction lower than expected for both PHCCs.