Background and Purpose: Virtual reality using commercial gaming devices has been recognized a promising tool to induce functional recovery after lesions followed by stroke. But evidences were more focused on upper extremity, mobility and gait but less on postural control in stroke patients. Therefore the purpose of the study was to explore the effect of X Box 360 kinect on trunk, postural control and quality of life in stroke rehabilitation.
Objective: was to compare the effect of VR using X Box 360 Kinect and conventional therapy (CT) on trunk and postural control in terms of sitting limit of stability, maintaining and changing posture and quality of life (QOL).
Methods: The experimental study on chronic patients at neurophysiotherapy department. 28 participants fulfilling inclusion criteria, allotted in Virtual group (Group A, n=15) and Conventional group (Group B, n=13). Group A was trained using X BOX 360 kinect for 6 weeks (30mins/day, 3 days/week). CT group underwent mobility, balance and trunk specific exercises for same period. Pre and post intervention Trunk impairment scale (TOS) for trunk control, sitting limit of stability (LOS), Postural assessment scale (PASS) for postural control and stroke specific QOL (SSQOL) for QOL analyzed for both groups.
Results: Both the groups showed significant (P<0.05) improvement in all outcome measures. Group A showed significantly more improvement compared to Group B(P<0.05) in dynamic component of TIS, maintaining and changing posture components (P<0.05), reaction time and movement velocity (P<0.05) components of LOS. There was no significant difference in end point excursion, maximum end point excursion and directional control between the groups.
Conclusion: VR training using X box 360 found significantly more effective on trunk, postural control and Quality of life in chronic stroke patients compared to conventional physiotherapy. Therefore this cost-effective, Kinect friendly technique can be used in rehabilitation.