Backround: Basketball is a very demanding and challenging game which requires sustenance of maximum performance in the game. Agility is defined as an effective and quick coupling of braking, changing directions. The higher you go in the atmosphere, thinner the air (less resistance). At high altitudes, however, the density of air changes and becomes thin. Thin air is not nearly as rich in oxygen as the dense, more compressed air found at sea level. Objective: The main objectives are to find the extent of cardiovascular responses on Agility Drills, in High Altitude and Sea Level Basketball Players on performing agility drills. Study Design: Quasi-Experimental Design. Procedure: 36 Sea level and High altitude Basketball players were taken to find the differences in cardiovascular responses, on training with Agility drills, age group of 12 – 18 years, with players who are in offseason. Results: High Altitude Basketball Players difference of Pre Test and Post Test Mean values of Heart Rate, Oxygen Saturation and Agility T Test values are 64.38, 61.88, 97.38, 99.05, 12.55 and 11.29 respectively. Sea Level Basketball Players difference of Pre Test and Post Test Mean values of Heart Rate, Oxygen Saturation and Agility T Test values are 67.38, 64.27, 98.83, 99.11, 12.31 respectively. There was significance in the post test values of Agility T Test which is a functional scale for agility drills in between group A and group B. Conclusion: In this study we conclude that there was no significant difference in the Cardiovascular Responses in High Altitude Basketball Players and Sea Level Basketball players.