AIM: To evaluate and compare the effectiveness of audio and audio‑tactile methods in improving oral hygiene status of visually impaired school children and also to compare the effectiveness of two brushing techniques.
Materials and Methods: Forty eight visually impaired children, aged between 4-15 years were randomly selected.
Baseline Oral hygiene scores were recorded using Simplified Oral hygiene index (OHI-S). These children were randomly divided into four groups – Group A receiving Audio Method along with Fones technique, Group B- Audio method and Modified Bass technique, Group C- Audio tactile method and Fones technique and Group D- Audio tactile method and Modified Bass technique. Re‑examination was done after two months to assess oral hygiene scores. Data was statistically analyzed using paired t‑test.
Results: Both Fones and Modified Bass method showed improvement in oral hygiene with Audio Tactile Performance (ATP) method with a greater efficacy by Fones method which was statistically significant.
Conclusion: Visually impaired children could maintain an acceptable level of oral hygiene when taught using special customized methods like ATP technique. However, reinforcement at regular intervals is required for the maintenance of oral hygiene.