Induction of labour is the artificial initiation of labour before its spontaneous onset for the purpose of delivery of the fetoplacental unit. We did a study in 100 patients to compare the safety and efficacy of misoprostol by two different routes of administration i.e. sublingual and vaginal. Patients included in this study essentially had term pregnancies (37-42weeks) in cephalic presentation with parity less than five. Both the groups were equally matched with regards to age, gestational age, parity and cervical score. The primary outcome was number of vaginal deliveries in each group. Around 70% in the vaginal group and 80% in the sublingual group delivered vaginally and this difference was not statistically significant. The means (+/-SD) induction to delivery interval was 13.9(+/-3.5) hours in the vaginal group and 12.2(+/-2.7) in sublingual group. Induction to delivery interval was significantly less in the sublingual group (p-value=0.022).Hence, we concluded that sublingual misoprostol was more efficacious than vaginal misoprostol and was associated with a higher patient satisfaction rate compared with vaginal misoprostol. Sublingual group had a shorter induction to delivery interval and good neonatal safety profile.