Inguinal hernia surgery is one of the most commonly performed surgery on daily basis. With the advancement of laparoscopic surgery, now a day, Laparoscopic repair of inguinal hernia is frequently employed and preferred by many surgeons and patients. Still there is huge debate is going on that which approach whether open or laparoscopic repair is better. Aim of this study is to compare the difference between the outcomes of laparoscopic TEP and Lichtenstein open hernia repair. Out of total of 50 patients, which were randomized in to two groups, 25 patients in group A underwent laparoscopic procedure and 25 patients in group B underwent open (Lichtenstein) surgery. The workup of the patients was divided into pre-operative evaluation, operative procedures, post-operative monitoring and follow-up.The age group profile shows that out of 25, most patients were between 20 – 50 years of age. Majority of patients [34 (68%)] had right sided inguinal hernia.There was no short-term recurrence in either group of the present study for the mean follow-up period of 20 weeks (range 3-47 weeks). In the hand of experienced surgeon, there was no significance difference in the post-operative complications between the Laparoscopic and Lichtenstein hernia group found.