Introduction: Chronic suppurative otitis media is one of the most common dseases in otology. Mastoid obliteration is done to eliminate open cavity problems. This study was aimed to compare the efficacy of mastoid obliteration with musculoperiosteal flap, bone pate and cartilage over obliteration with musculoperiosteal flap alone.
Material and methods: 30 subjects of unsafe CSOM were included in the study and Canal wall down mastoidectomy was performed followed by obliteration of the cavity. In 15 subjects (Group A), musculoperiosteal flap, bone pate and cartilage was used for obliteration while in the other half (Group B) with musculoperiosteal flap alone was used. Outcome was compared at 4 week, 6 week and 8 week in terms of air and bone conduction gap and healing parameters.
Results: Both groups were matched for Age (p=0.49), gender (p=0.49) mean air-bone gap (p=0.39) and mastoid volume (p=0.41).Improvement in study group was found to be statistically significant in both groups. Improvement in air bone gap at post operative 4 weeks (p=0.041), 6 weeks (p=0.037) and at 8 weeks (p=0.028) was found be significantly more in group A compared to group B.Post op discharge (p=0.01), residual disease in form of granulation (p=0.04) was found to be significantly higher in group B.
Conclusion: Followed by mastoidectomy, obliteration with musculoperiosteal flap , bone pate and cartilage yields better results in terms of acoustic parameters and outcome of surgery.