Hypertension and diabetes mellitus are independent risk factors for various vascular diseases. It is seen that diabetes mellitus affects the blood vessels and their function. Result of similar studies in our region is not available. So this study was taken up to study the effect of type 2 diabetes mellitus on arterial blood pressure. The study was conducted on 150 study subjects, 75 were previously diagnosed type 2 diabetes mellitus and 75 were controls (non diabetics). Height and weight was recorded and BMI calculated. Non invasive test like measuring blood pressure in supine posture was conducted and values recorded from both the groups. Statistical analysis was done using SPSS 21. 48% of non diabetics were males and 52% were females. Again 61% of the diabetic patients were males and 39% were females. In this study, both the systolic and diastolic blood pressure are found to be significantly higher in diabetics as compared to non diabetics. The BMI is also found to be significantly higher in diabetics than the non diabetics.