Background: Upper limb impairment is the major challenge faced by stroke survivors. Modified constraint induced movement therapy (mCIMT) is a new intervention which enhances motor recovery better than the traditional rehabilitation treatment.
Objective: To compare between the effects of traditional upper limb rehabilitation and it's combination with modified constraint induced movement therapy in patients with stroke.
Methods: Thirty stroke patients having involvement in the middle cerebral artery territory were included in this study. The patients are divided into two groups of 15 each. Group A patients were given traditional upper limb rehabilitation, while Group B patients traditional rehabilitation and mCIMT. Patients are assessed by Fugl Meyer and Action Research Arm tests of the affected hand, initially and at the end of rehabilitation.
Results: Significant improvements in functional activities are noticed in both the clinical scales used, mainly in Group B.
Conclusion: In post stroke patients, the combination of traditional upper limb rehabilitation along with mCIMT is significantly better than the traditional upper limb rehabilitation alone.