Statement Of Problem:-“A comparative study to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on knowledge regarding prevention of dental caries among primary students at state board and international board schools of Valsad District” Objectives:1.To assess the knowledge regarding prevention of dental caries among primary students at state board and international schools of Valsad district. 2.To compare the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on knowledge regarding prevention of dental caries among primary students at state board and international board schools of Valsad district. 3.To determine the association of knowledge regarding prevention of dental caries with demographic variable of primary students at state board and international board schools of Valsad district
Methods: An evaluative approach with pre-experimental two group research design was adopted for this study. A total of 30 students were selected from Gyan Ganga state English medium school and other 30 sample from Jainam International English medium school in Valasad district by convenient sampling method. Data was collected using interview schedule. Data was analyzed by using descriptive and inferential statistics. Result: The present study evaluated the knowledge regarding prevention of dental caries, pre test mean score 15.06 and post test mean score 18.13 at the gyan ganga English medium school and The mean difference between pre-test and post-test knowledge score was significant, t=8.53, p<0.001 level. and Jainam international school had pre test knowledge score mean 16.2 and post test knowledge score mean 21.2 The mean difference between pretest and post test knowledge score was significant=8.84, p<0.001 level. And in the comparision of two school in that “t”r evealed post test mean level 21.2 of international school is higher than mean level of state board. The t test value is 4.35 which highly significant table value(t 29,0001)=3.66 at 0.001 level thus there was significant association between knowledge and age of the students and group I ᵡ2cal 11.49 >ᵡ2tab(df,3) =11.34 significant at p<0.01and group II ᵡ2cal 5.87 >ᵡ2 tab (df,3)= 7.82 significant at p<0.05 Hence hypothesis H2 was accepted” There will be a significant association between the pretest knowledge about prevention of dental caries among primary students with the demographic variables of group I and group II” was accepted. Conclusion: Thus investigator concluded that structured teaching program is a good method of conveying information to primary students and it is very effective in order to gain knowledge. But International primary school students gained comparatively more knowledge regarding prevention of dental caries than the State board primary school students.