Aim- To evaluate and compare the effect of diode laser, ultrasonic and sonic irrigation with EDTA on smear layer removal from root canals.
Materials And Methods-A total number of 45 single rooted mandibular human premolars were decoronated to working length of 12 mm and prepared with Protaper (Densply) rotary files upto size F3 (0.30mm,4%). Recapitulation and copious irrigation were done for each tooth during the procedure using 3% Naocl. Then sample were randomly divided into 3 groups (n=15) for final irrigation protocol. Group A-Each root sample of the group was agitated with Diode laser filled with 1ml of 17% EDTA for 1 min. Group B-Each sample of the group was treated with Passive ultrasonic irrigation filled with 1 ml of 17% EDTA for 1 min. Group C –Each sample of the group was treated with Sonic irrigation using Endoactivator + 1 ml of 17% EDTA for 1 min. After final irrigation with 5 ml distilled water, Each sample was groove along buccal and lingual planes by using diamond disc and splited longitudinally with beveled chisel and mallet to observe under scanning electron microscope for remaining smear layer at coronal, middle and apical third. Data was noted and analysed by ANNOVA test and Post HOC Tukey’s test of each sample for all three group.
Results- It was observed that there was a greater discrepancy between group with respect to apical third .Ultrasonic with EDTA had the least smear layer scores at apical third
Conclusion- At the coronal third and middle third, diode laser irrigation showed maximum smear layer removal, followed by ultrasonic irrigation and sonic irrigation with EDTA . At the apical third, ultrasonic with EDTA irrigation showed maximum smear layer removal and sonic with EDTA irrigation showed least smear layer removal.