Aim: of this study is to determine whether brushing with Colgate sensitive plus toothpaste and vantej toothpaste can affect the shear bond strengths of composite to dentine surfaces.
Material and method: 18 premolar teeth were embedded in polymethylmethracyrlate and occulsal surfaces were flattened to expose dentine. The teeth were randomly divided into 3 groups of 6 teeth each. One group served as control. Of the remaining 2 groups, 1 group was brushed with Colgate Sensitive Plus and 1 group brushed with Vantej Toothpaste. The dentine surfaces were brushed to simulate 2 weeks of twice-daily toothpaste use. The specimens in each of the control group and experimental groups were subjected to dentine bonding, and application of composite resin. A universal material testing machine was used to determine shear bond strengths.
Statistical analysis: One-way ANOVA and Post-Hoc tests were used.
Results: Mean shear bond strength ranged from 8.08 Mpa to 8.73MPa.Results showed that pretreatment with Colgate sensitive plus did not have any effect on shear bond strength of composite(p>0.05). Vantej toothpaste showed statistically significant difference (p<0.05) and showed increased bond strength.
Conclusions: Pretreatment with Vantej toothpaste increased the shear bond strength. However the shear bond strength was not significantly affected when pretreated with Colgate sensitive plus. Hence this desensitizing paste used for the treatment of eroded dentin would not affect restorations placed clinically.