Aim: To compare the efficacy of five different sterilization methods of pediatric endodontic files. Materials and Methods: A total of 50 stainless steel K files were divided into five groups based on the sterilization methods followed – Group 1: Autoclave, Group 2: Glass bead sterilization, Group 3: Glutaraldehyde, and Group 4: Quitanet Plus (aldehyde‑free solution) and Group 5: Sodium hypochlorite. In all the tested groups, the files were contaminated with Enterococcus faecalis. Before the experimental groups subjected to respective sterilization methods, presterilization colony counts were recorded. After that, the sterilized files were rinsed with distilled water and 100 ul of the diluted concentration was transferred and cultured onto the respective agar plates to determine the total microbial reduction. Results: Group 1 (Autoclave) showed complete effectiveness in reducing the microbial count followed by Quitanet Plus, glass bead sterilizer, glutaraldehyde and Sodium hypochlorite. Conclusion: Autoclave proved to be most efficient method and Glass bead was also closely acceptable compare to chemical methods of sterilization. Among chemical methods, Quitanet proved to be effective and can be used as alternative.