Background: The pathological changes in adhesive capsulitis occurs surrounding the intrinsic structure tightness. Patients with adhesive capsulitis have difficulties in everyday activities. Sleeper’s stretch mainly acts on capsule. Spencer’s MET is an application used to normalize the Range of motion, rather than increase flexibility. There are some studies that support Spencer’s MET is more effective in patients with adhesive capsulitis and some studies which have been doneproving sleeper’s stretch to be beneficial in capsular tightness.
Methodology: A Randomized, controlled, single blinded study 40 subject, with adhesive capsulitis were selected based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Pre-assessment of pain, R.O.M, and PENN shoulder scale was taken. Further 32 subjects are randomly allocated into two groups.16 subjects in ‘GROUP A’ (sleeper’s stretch) were given, and ‘GROUP B’ (Spencer’s MET) was given. Both the groups were given the conventional therapy which includes hot packs, pendular exercises, finger ladder, capsular stretch, and Maitland mobilization were given. Post assessment was done.
Conclusion: This study concludes that effect of Spencer’s MET with adjuvant Conventional therapy is more effective on pain, Range of motion, and functional disability in subjects with adhesive capsulitis.