Haemorrhoids are varicosities of the tributaries of the Haemorrhoidal vein. At least 5% of the general population suffers from Arsha (Haemorrhoids). Arsha is a disease which is very unkind towards mankind. Acharya Sushruta explained four modalities of treatment for Arsha i.e. Bheshaja, Kshara, Agni and Shastra Karma. Kshara is one of the important methods which can be practiced safely. Nimba Pratisaraneeya Kshara has been emphasized throughout the classical literature for Arsha, described as an Upakrama, substitute for surgical procedure. Nimba Pratisaraneeya Kshara which is a known modality having antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties and have specially been mentioned by Acharya Sushruta. Kshara Karma does the function of Chhedana, Bhedana and Lekhana whithout using Shashtra. 15-15 (both group) Patients suffering from Ardra Arsha (First, Second and Third degree Internal Haemorrhoids) was selected from the O.P.D & I.P.D. of P.G. Department of Shalya Tantra, N.I.A., Jaipur and was treated with Nimba Pratisaraneeya Teakshna Kshara application. No any major or minor complication was reported by the patient in a follow up period of one month. The patients were assessed on the parameters as per grading and it was seen that the patients was completely cured from the disease in terms of signs and symptoms with no post-operative discomfort. Hence Nimba Pratisaraneeya Teakshna Kshara can be successfully used in the management of Ardra Arsha with no post-operative complications.