Chronic arsenic exposure is a major public health threat, especially so in Indo-Bangladesh delta along lower Gangetic plains. A study was conceptualized to understand the causes of death in a rural population of West Bengal, exposed to high arsenic level in ground water. A cohort of 8206 persons was revisited after a decade. Information was obtained for 1044 persons, expired since last visit. Verbal autopsy method was adopted to ascertain cause of death. Arsenic exposure history was also obtained. Diseases of nervous system (27.3%), respiratory system (21.6%) and cancer (11.6%) were three leading causes, accounting for more than half of all deaths. Majority of deaths occurred at home (79%). No significant gender difference was observed in survival pattern. Though deaths were more among those exposed higher arsenic level, but the difference was not statistically significant. Substantial proportion of deaths from stroke and cancer calls for immediate attention towards mitigation measures. Differences were noted for causes leading to death in the arsenic exposed community compared to other areas.