Vaginitis, inflammation of the vagina is one of the most common gynaecological complaints reported by women irrespective of their age and socio economic status. The common types are Candidial vaginitis (CV), Trichomonal vaginitis(TV) and Bacterial vaginosis(BV) with varying symptoms. The management in contemporary system includes systemic/topical antifungal, antiprotozoal and antibacterial drugs which mostly gives temporary relief with other side effects like gastro intestinal problems, psychological problems, vertigo etc1. Ayurvedic Ācārya’s emphasized lakṣaṇa of yoni srāva, yoni kaṇḍu, foul smell etc throughout the strīroga prakarana, among which ślaiṣmiki,, paittikī, upapluta etc bear the similar symptoms of vaginal infections. On its basis many studies had been conducted on the effectiveness of yonī prakṣālana in vaginitis. But there is no sufficient evidence to prove the efficacy of a single formulation in different types of vaginal infection. Hence the present study aims to find out the combined effect of triphalā kvātha yoni prakṣālana2 and triphalā guggulu oral administration in three common types of vaginitis. The treatment when compared between the three types of vaginitis was found to be most effective in candidial vaginitis, moderate effect in bacterial vaginosis and minimum effect in trichomonal vaginitis.