Most commonly stroke results in disability and functional difficulties. Patients have to face problems during daily activities of life especially using in wrist and hand. Targeted exercises along with electrical stimulation can be an option to overcome these problems. Aim of study is to evaluate and treat the motor impairments occurring after stroke. A data from single (old female) case was taken. Patient was still having mild pain and severe weaknesses in upper extremity following 3 months of stroke. Patient ability (strength of wrist and hand) to perform daily activity of life was evaluated with Fugal-Meyer scale and pain was rated with Visual analog scale. Pain and severe muscular impairment were associated with stroke and its effects. And inadequate assessment and treatment of physical condition contributed to wrist and hand disability a large. Following combined treatment with neuromuscular electrical stimulation and motor relearning program approach created a huge improvement (Fugal-Meyer score from 14 to 21) of the patient’s ability. Muscular impairment following stroke were found to be due to brain damage and insufficient exercise program to solve and manage the condition. Patient was dependent over others. So there is a need to handle this condition carefully. Timely and specific treatment becomes mandatory. In this study combined treatment with electrical stimulation and motor relearning program could be effective in treating the wrist and hand functional issues.