Febrile seizures are the age specific seizures associated with a temperature of 38.0○ c or higher, unprovoked by central nervous system (CNS) infection, trauma, or metabolic abnormality. The emergence of febrile seizures was most commonly seen in 3-4% of children under the age of 5 years and most cases occur between 5 months to 5 years of age with peak age of 18 months. Therefore good control over febrile seizures is important among these age groups. This was a descriptive cross sectional observational study which was designed to evaluate the effectiveness of Clobazam as intermittent prophylaxis in preventing the recurrence of febrile seizures and role of patient counselling in improving the anemic status and medication adherance of the subjects. The study concluded that recurrence of febrile seizures was 7.31% which was less in patients who received Clobazam therapy and was more,which was 72.35% in those on alternative treatment(not on clobazam therapy).The mean Haemoglobin status before and after counselling was 7.98±1.35gms and 8.5±1.25gms respectively with a p value (0.001) which was statistically significant. The mean medication adherance before and after counselling was 3.7±1.6 and 4.5±1.50 respectively with p value of (0.001) and was statistically significant.