Introduction: Pancytopenia is quite common in day to day clinical practice with variable clinical presentation. It is not the disease, rather it is outcome of various disease and disease processes and the prognosis of which is decided by underlying pathology. Objective: a)To analyze the etiology and its distribution in causing pancytopenia b)To evaluate the clinical profile and its correlation in patients with pancytopenia. Study method: A prospective study was carried out among 141 cases of pancytopenia, evaluated clinically along with hematological parameter and bone marrow examination. Results: 141 cases of age group more than 15 years were included in study. Most of the patients were in younger age group i.e. 15-25 year age group with nearly equal occurrence in both sexes. The commonest cause among all etiology was found to be megaloblastic anemia (27%) followed by hypoplastic and visceral leishmaniasis.Most of the patients presented predominantly with generalized weakness, fever and exertional breathlessness. Pallor was almost universal finding in all patients.In most of the patients Hemoglobin found to be ranged between 4.2-7.5 g/dl with mean MCV 98.67, Total leucocyte count ranged between 1700-3255/mm3 and Platelet count ranged between 20000-70500/mm3. Conclusion: Being megaloblastic anemia the most common cause of pancytopenia and it is more common in female can be explained by their dietary habits, which is reversible cause with adequate management and the result will help in effective reinforcement of fortification of food and effective counselling regarding dietary habits as most coming from low socio economic groups. Hypoplastic anemia and visceral leishmaniasis are the 2nd & 3rd most common cause. This suggest the need of detail work up along with bone marrow examination while evaluation of all cases of pancytopenia.