Haemoglobin E is the second most prevalent haemoglobinopathy worldwide after Hb S. It has highest prevalence in South-east Asian countries. In India it is prevalent in the north-eastern states. We have analysed the clinical and haematological profile of 55 cases of HbE variants presented for the first time in our clinical pathology department in the last eight years. The study was designed to find out the incidence of HbE disease in Haryana, to study the clinical profile of these patients and whether RBC indices obtained from automated cell counter can provide a clue to the diagnosis of HbE disease. High Performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) was used as a confirmatory diagnostic test for identification of HbE variants. It is important to distinguish various HbE disorders because of marked differences in clinical course among different genotypes. Hence, clinicians should consider this haemoglobinopathy in the differential diagnosis of anaemia with or without splenomegaly for accurate diagnosis and management.