A Clinico -epidemiological study of 316 patients of leprosy who sought medical advice at the OPD SN Medical college Agra, during June2016 - Dec 2017 is reported. Among all the cases, 88.6% were new cases, 7.2% were defaulters and 4.2% were having a relapse after completion of treatment. Around 37.9% of them had borderline tuberculoid type. An important finding was that prevalence of BL & LL cases before the age of 50 years is about 40.2% but beyond this age the prevalence is 11.0%. Depending on slit skin smear report 258 (81.6%) cases were multibacillary leprosy. The disease was found 3.8 times more often in males than in females and was found mainly in the age group 11-70 years. Lepra reactions were seen in 36 (11.4%) cases, of which 26 (72.2%) had type 1 reaction and 10(27.8%) type 2 reaction. Another significant finding was the occurrence of lepra reactions (both type I & II) in multibacillary type of leprosy (n=24) than in paucibacillary type. Among the 258 patients with multibacillary disease 39 (15.11%) developed deformity and most (84.2%) would have more severe and permanent deformities.