Aim: To evaluate the magnitude and pattern of congenital ocular anomalies among paediatric eye patients attending OPD and to correlate them with demographic and environmental factors. Materials and Methods: -In this study, number of all paediatric eye patients and also the number of ocular anomalies were recorded. From this, incidence of eye anomalies were calculated. After taking detail history, all patients were subjected to systemic and comprehensive eye examination. Bio-chemical and radio-imaging investigations were performed wherever required.
Result: Out of 3102 eye patients, 140 patients had ocular anomalies, incidence being 4.5%. Maximum number of patients were in the age group between 0-5 years (43.57%) with a male preponderance. History of consanguinity were observed in only 3.5%. 11 cases(7.86%) gave history of pre-term delivery. Maximum patients presented in between 0-5 years (45%) while 32 patients (22.86%) had unilateral and 108 patients (77.14%) had bilateral involvement. 65.71% of patients had anterior segment involvement , 1.43% patients showed posterior segment involvement while globe involvement was observed in 32.86%.Congenital cataract, globe anomalies, congenital dacryocystitis and ptosis were most frequently detected anomalies.
Conclusion: Congenital ocular anomalies are involved in considerable size of paediatric eye patients which often result in ocular morbidity and even blindness. So, there is a great need for early detection and management of these patients.