The determination of thickness of palatal masticatory mucosa is important as it is most commonly used as donor material for periodontal plastic surgery.The purpose of the study was to determine the thickness of the palatal mucosa by a direct clinical method using William’s periodontal probe, and the association of gender with the thickness of the palatal mucosa.
Materials and Methods: 20 systemically and periodontically healthy subjects were divided into two groups of 10 males and 10 females. A bone sounding method using a periodontal probe was used to assess the thickness of palatal mucosa at 15 pre-determined sites defined according to the gingival margin and palatal raphae.Students ‘t’ test was used to validate differences in mucosal thickness between the groups.
Results: The mean thickness of palatal masticatorymucosa ranged from 2.4±.744 The mean thickness of palatal mucosa for males was 2.5±.7526 and for females was 2.3±.7391.The females had a thinner mucosa than males with non - significant difference.
Conclusion: The mean thickness of palatal masticatorymucosa ranged from 2.4±.744. The females had a thinner mucosa than males with non - significant difference.