Aim: The purpose of this clinical study was to compare the quality of vinyl polyether silicone impressions (VPES) with polyvinyl siloxane (PVS) impressions using one-step impression technique. Methods and Material: Two master impressions of 15 subjects with 22 crowns were made with experimental group (VPES) and control group (PVS) impression material using one-step impression technique. Total 30 impressions were evaluated visually for surface quality and were scored by the dentist according to the rating scale. Impressions which scored alpha or bravo were sent to a dental technician for assessment of the quality and the handling properties of impression by pouring type IV gypsum. Statistics: Chi-square test used for comparison of categorical data. Results: The experimental group produced better impressions rated as alpha or bravo compared to control group. Comparison of technician’s assessment of the quality and handling properties between experimental and control group showed no statistical difference except for tear resistance upon removal from the cast which showed statistically significant. The tear resistance upon removal from cast for the experimental group was rated better than the control group. Conclusion: The new hybrid material vinyl polyether silicone displayed acceptable surface quality and handling properties for clinical use using one-step impression technique.