Opening in upper lip or palate is referred to as a cleft lip and cleft palate. Congenital abnormalities (birth defects) are conditions that arise while a foetus is growing inside the uterus. Cleft lips and cleft palates are caused by the incomplete fusion of the tissues of the upper lip and roof of the mouth during foetal development. Children with cleft lip with or without cleft palate face a variety of challenges depending on the type and severity of their cleft. The most significant problem, as well as one of the most crucial worries, is the difficulties feeding following delivery. Also, child may develop difficulty in speaking. Understanding the problem and suitable therapy is crucial. As soon as the child receives early intervention, a speech-language pathologist must be consulted to treat with the child's speaking abilities and swallowing issues. The study aimed to analyse the awareness regarding the intervention of cleft lip and palate among parents in rural areas of Kerala. A group of 35 parents (aged 25 to 35 from Kannur district of Kerala) who had children in the age range of 0-7 years were given a list of 10 questions, and the results showed that parents have very low level of awareness.