Turmeric is used in conventional management of medication. It is used as an antioxidant and different useful properties, such as anti-allergic,anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, blood purification etc. It is generally recommended as Ayurvedic drug and used in different diseases. Ayurvedic text has been described Haridra as the Rasayana.Ayurvedic pharmacodynamics of C. longa are described as: Rasa- tikta and katu, Guna - rukhsha and laghu, Virya - ushna, Vipak-sskatu, Doshaghnata – tridoshshamak. Route of administration-oral,nasal, over the skin etc. Turmeric (curcuma longa) is belong to rhizomatous family unit and has been broadly utilized herb in India since ancient time. Turmericis Kandughna, Lekhaneeya, Kushthaghna and Vishaghna.Use of turmeric in medojaarbuda is mentioned in Sushruta Samhita. Its kapha and vata-shamak property is responsible for shothghna activity. Commercial available natural contains are – Curcumoid, curcumin (75%), demethoxycurcumin (15%), bisdemethoxycurcumin and volatile oil(10%).The main biological active polyphenol component of turmeric is Curcumin (diferuloylmethane). Curcumin is a component of turmericis strong anti-oxidant activity due to vitamin A & C. Turmeric powder has been conventional use in India in cooking as abundant source of Mg,Si,Na,Ni,Se,Fe,Mn,K.Turmeric is a rich source of volatile oil, includingzingiberone, atlantone, turmerone and other ingredient such as protein, sugar,resins, lignin,salt. Turmeric root contain is 10%resin which is a glucoside.Turmeric yellow colour gives by its component curcumin, Curcumin a polyphenol compound [C21H20 O6],can exist in two tautomeric forms -stable enol form (an alcohol), keto form (an aldehyde).A lots of classical uses of Turmeric has been mentioned in Ayurvedic text.