The insecticidal activity of Raphanus sativus Linn. leaves extracts were investigated against third instar nymphs of Phenacoccus solenopsis Tinsley under laboratory conditions. In addition, the major chemical constituents of the leaves extracts were isolated, characterized and identified. Chromatographic separation of the extracts gave two phytosterols from petroleum ether fraction, which were identified as stigmast-5-en-3-ol (β-sitosterol) (1) and stigmasta-5,22E-dien-3β-ol (stigmasterol) (2). In addition, two flavonoid glycosides were isolated from the ethyl acetate fraction. These flavonoid glycosides were identified as quercetin 3- O- α- L- arabinopyranosyl- 7- O- α- L- rhamnopyranosid (3), a new compound, wasn’t isolated form any natural source before, and kaempferol 3- O- α- L- arabinopyranosyl- 7- O- α- L- rhamnopyranoside(4). The insecticidal activity of different fractions of R. sativus leaves were studied. The most effective fraction was ethyl acetate followed by methylene chloride then petroleum ether fraction with LC50 values of 421.455 ppm, 674.960 ppm and 875.563 ppm, at 72 hours post treatment, respectively.