Sugar Factory is a profit-oriented organization established by the government to full fill the demand of sugar for the citizen and to earn foreign currency and also it create job opportunity for citizen. The importance of sugar factory and its impact on sugar development in Ethiopia can hardly be over emphasized Efrem Bechere (2010). One of the research centers in Ethiopia is Tendaho sugar factory. Since the human resource is the most important resource of organizations, the effectiveness and efficiency of the center is highly dependent on its human resource in which motivation plays great role. Motivation is a drive to perform the job or any task for which one is responsible. The employees who are motivated actually perform better from those who are not motivated. Thus, this study was conducted to assess the effects of motivation on employee’s performance in case of Tendaho sugar factory. The sources of data used to this study were both primary and secondary sources. Structured questionnaire and semi structured interview were used as a method of data collection. The study adopted census sampling technique to select employees for response due to the heterogeneous nature of the organization. After the required data has been collected, the data was analyzed by using descriptive method. The study found out major findings related to problems of motivation in the company like unsatisfactory salary, lack of incentives and rewards, absence of proper career advancement and low participation of employees on decision making and absence of encouraging supervision style which result in low performance of employees. To alleviate the problems, the center is advised to revise salaries considering performance of employees and life expensiveness, apply proper rewards and incentives, provide scholarship and training programs, and make employees participate in managerial decision making and practice encouraging supervision style.