Inflammation of liver and liver dysfunction is a major global health problem; Hepatitis B is one of them. The available treatment modalities are not up to the mark in contemporary science. Hence, now day’s healthcare professionals, researchers and pharmaceutical industries are inclined towards other resources for care and cure of liver related ailments. In this emerging scenario, herbal medicinal plants are the main resource of hepato-protective drugs since centuries. These Herbal drugs have become increasingly popular in present era and their uses are wide-spread. Recent evidences also suggest that Neo-formulation such as Nirocil and Liv-52 HB are developed from Green pharmacy and found effective in the management of symptoms related with Hepatitis B as well as down regulation of viral load in the serum. Seeing this fact and published reports; an Ayurvdic formulation Vasadi kwath is subjected to a patient having increased level of viral load along with presence of constitutional symptoms. Vasadikwath is an important formulation which has been mentioned in the context of Pandu (Anemia) and Kamala (Jaundice), in Bhaishajya Ratnawali. In this article; author has tried to explore the management of Hepatitis Bw.s.r. to viral load.