Research is the important parameter to teaching. It also pays in economic development of the country. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has contributed immensely to higher education and increasing quality of education. ICT refers to telecommunication, computers, software and data system that can be used to support, store and transmit the communication technologies for researcher to access and manipulate information (Murray, 2011). ICT has become the necessary element in academic practices. The researcher from all disciplines use ICT in some form throughout the process of their research, including preparation, field work, analysis and writing phases of their studies. ICT has incorporated tools and methods to handle, distribute and exchange of information. ICT, if used in proper ways, can enhance the positive outcome of education, project and people. This case study provides the impact of using ICT in doctoral research in management and IT courses. The topics and area of research before the implementation of ICT was different than at present. ICT is becoming even more interwoven into academic life than it already has. The emergence of new technologies like big data, hadoop and SAP suppresses the question of limitation in management research. Now management research can be combined with IT like research in MIS, HRIS etc. This case study processes with respect to time zone. The time zone would be divided in two major zones. One is of 90’s and second time zone is of after 90’s. It gives a comparison on the advantage of choosing topics for doctoral research between before and after the implementation of ICT in doctoral research. This comparison would be done for both the subjects areas like for IT and management.