Maternal and fetal morbidity and mortality from placenta percreta are understood and are associated with more demands on health resources. There is abnormally firm attachment of placenta to the uterine wall with the absence of deciduas basal is and incomplete development of Nitabuch’s layer. Placenta percreta is a type of placenta accrete spectrum. Incidence of percreta was 1 in 533 pregnancies for the period of 1982-2002.Placenta percreta may convert into massive obstetric hemorrhage, leading to shock, damage to the uterus, bladder, ureters, bowel, many more and ultimately death. In our case study there are 4 cases of placenta percreta. These cases were managed effectively by multidisplinary team approach. Tertiary center of rural/periphery required competent gynaecologist as placenta percreta require internal iliac artery ligation and peripartem hysterectomy immediately. And concept of multidisciplinary team approach should be followed for good outcome.