The uterus is a muscular structure that is held in place by pelvic muscles and ligaments. If these muscles or ligaments stretch or become weak, they are no longer able to support the uterus, causing prolapse. Uterine prolapse occurs when the uterus sags or slips from its normal position and into the vagina (birth canal).
Uterine prolapse during pregnancy is a rare event. Complications resulting from the prolapse of the uterus in pregnancy differ from minor cervical infection to spontaneous abortion, preterm labor and maternal and fetal death. This is a case of stage 3 uterine prolapse during pregnancy in antenatal clinic. The patient had pre-existing uterine prolapse, was treated conservatively with bed rest and adviced for a pessary and had a successful vaginal delivery at 38 weeks of gestation. Conservative treatment of these patients throughout pregnancy can result in an uneventful, normal, spontaneous delivery.