School children in this country are lagging in health and fitness parameters with 40 percent of kids not having a healthy Body Mass Index (BMI). The purpose of the study was to find out the status of B.M.I. level of primary school children of class 1 age ranging from 5-6 years which can show the nutritional status and indicate the body composition in early childhood level. 50 girls and boys of each group were selected from 4 schools of 24pgs(s) in West Bengal. The village culture prevailed having some higher socioeconomic condition based on agriculture and the caloric intake capacity flattened with mid-day meal. B.M.I. was calculated using very well-known formula. The status of BMI level was very poor which indicated the poor nutritional status. No significant differences were found in case of boys and girls considering the ‘p’ value. The discriminations were not found in case of boys and girls considering their health and body perspective.