This study investigated the ability of Aspergillus niger to degrade petroleum products. The fungal isolate obtained in this study was Aspergillus niger from oil contaminated soil. Bushnell Hass Broth (BHB) was prepared for the degradation study which is supplemented with Tween 80 and resazurin. In this study, engine oil and Diesel was used for degradation. Aspergillus niger showed highest percentage of degradation of both engine oil and Diesel. The percentage degradation was found 75.77% and 91.75% of engine oil and diesel respectively. These results were confirmed by GC analysis. Result of GC analysis of engine oil showed that the control sample was performed showed 13 peaks whereas test sample of engine oil showed only 2 peaks with retention time of 1.288 and 1.404. On the other hand, GC analysis of Diesel, control sample was performed showed 22 peaks and test sample showed 5 peaks out of 22 with retention time of 1.293, 1.411, 1.835 and 2.616. Aspergillus niger degrades both the engine oil and diesel, but the highest degree of degradation was found against diesel sample (91.75%). The data obtained in the present investigation advance the knowledge of degradation of petroleum hydrocarbons by Aspergillus niger isolated from soil and may make these promising candidates for removal of petroleum products from contaminated environment.