Baseline characteristics and type-2 diabetes mellitus

Rashmi Rekha and Dr. Usha Kumari

Diabetes mellitus is a serious epidemic around the world and its prevalence rate increases gradually. Many complications are also associated with this disease. The aim of this study was to assess the relationship between different anthropometric or baseline characteristics and occurrence of type-2 diabetes mellitus. Research finding indicate that there is relationship between some baseline characteristics and presence of Diabetes Mellitus (type-2). After a cross sectional screening of 600 subjects (male= 252; female= 348); all were used in data analysis. Out of 600 subjects 30 (5%) were found to be diabetic. Assessing the baseline characteristics between diabetic and non-diabetic subjects a significant difference (p<0.05) were observed in mean weight, Basal Metabolic Rate, waist circumference, systolic blood pressure, random blood glucose level and age. Observing all the characteristics on the basis of gender, significant difference were seen in above mentioned characteristics except mean age (p>0.05) of female shows that female were suffering from diabetes in early age than male.

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