Sharir Rachana and kriya of twacha are the important aspects for twacha dushti and twacha roga arena. A detailed study and analysis of the concept of the twacha, its rachanatmak and kriyatmak aspect is of utmost importance as twacha is the seat for all twacha rogas. Various Ayurvedic samhitas have been referred for a detailed literature review of this concept. The Utpatti, layers of twacha, its panchabhautikatwa all have been encompassed in the article. Likewise, various twacha rogas occurring in the different layers of the twacha as per various acharyas has been mentioned. The doshic involvement, the dhatu’s involvement in formation of twacha has also been mentioned. An effort to correlate the layers of skin to twacha has also been made. In order to understand any skin disease. (twacharoga) a detailed study of the structure and function of skin is necessary. The conceptual aspect of skin needs to be understood because skin disorder is outer exhibition of some kind of internal pathology.
No satisfactory results have been made till date in the aspect of curing skin disease (twacharoga). The ancient science of life Ayurveda provides valuable information regarding various herbs which are useful in curing various skin ailments. Many scholars from around the world are working a skin diseases (twacharogas) and are trying to find new solutions for treatment approaching at it. Almost every other day new solutions are offered but this has shown unsatisfactory results till date.