Fracture is a multifaceted pathology and its judicious management requires a rational holistic approach. Principle aim of the management of fracture is to restore the normal or near to normal structural integrity and physiology of the fractured part at the earliest, without complications or with minimal complications. Modern medical science gained excellence in the management of these injuries. But in Ayurveda, also the fundamental principles are mentioned as adopted by the modern medical science. In addition to the local technical management, adjuvant therapies viz, oral medications, panchakarma treatment modality, diet regimen have also mentioned. Sushruta described exclusively mentioned about bhagna. He explained depending upon nature of trauma, shape of fracture displacement, fracture fragment and fracture with or without wound. Sushruta explained if fracture occurs in the bone is called as kand bhagna that is bone fracture. Conservative modalities includes kushabandha, Alepa, Chakrayoga, Taila Droni, Basti, based upon the consideration of the prakruti and nutritional status. By adopting these ayurvedic principles many such injuries can be managed successfully with minimal rate of complications. Even in injuries requiring surgical management these play a crucial role as adjuvant therapy. In the present paper an effort has been done to show the efficacy of Majja basti, Asthishrunkala lepa and Prustabasti in Vertebral burst fracture.