Hypertension is now a day very common disorder particularly past middle age, high prevalence involving both sexes. Compared to normotensives, individuals with a high blood pressure stand a much greater chance of having a stroke, coronary heart disease, heart or renal failure and peripheral artery disease with a substantially higher risk of developing arterial fibrillation and deterioration of cognitive function. So treating hypertension in effective manner with reduced adverse events is a challenge. Various antihypertensives are used e.g. diuretics, beta blockers, ACE inhibitors, angiotensin receptor blockers, calcium channel blockers etc. Our survey focused on angiotensin receptor blocker antihypertensive. Losartan is angiotensin II receptor blocker antihypertensive agent with multiple therapeutic applications such as being used in diabetic nephropathy, left ventricular enlargement, used to reduce risk of stroke and most importantly highest protein binding with minimal adverse reactions. Hospital based adverse drug reactions are monitored to identify and quantify the risk associated with the use of drugs provided in hospital. ADR is also helpful in minimizing preventable ADR and mamnagement of ADR. Our survey focused on to study any severe adverse drug reactions of Losartan and understand its safety. ADR were studied by doing survey of losartan administered by healthcare professionals. Survey was questionnaire based as described in ICH ADR form and Naranjo Algorithm ADR probability scale. Our survey interpretes that losartan found to have probable ADR as per Naranjo Algorithm ADR probability scale indicating Losartan relaxes blood vessels and increases supply of blood and oxygen to heart and exhibits temporal relationship.