Background: Diabetes is one of the major chronic health problems around the world. Diabetic eye diseasesspecially diabetes retinopathy is one of the most common complication.This study is carried out to assess the level of awareness, knowledge and attitude towards diabetic retinopathy among diabetic patients.
Method: A cross sectional study was conducted among diabetic patients who attend three health care centers in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, by distributing a questionnaire consisting of 4 parts.
Results: Three hundred patients responded to the questionnaire 175 (58.3%) were female and 125 (41.7%) were male, with age mean score 45.90±14.89. Almost third quarter 215 (71.7%) recorded regular follow ups with an endocrinologist, and 210 (70.0%) stated family history of diabetes. The majority 247 (82.3 %) reported that diabetes affected their eyes. More than half 177 (59.0%) follow up with an ophthalmologist and more than third quarter reported visiting an ophthalmologistat least once per year.
Conclusion: The health care professionals and media need to increase diabetic patients awareness about the complications of diabetes mellitus on patients health particularly diabetic retinopathy to reduce the risk of blindness.