Introduction and background: In the present scenario for a gynecologist to be able to perform endoscopic procedures is the need of the hour. The current three year residency curriculum in India lacks acquisition of hysteroscopy skills among residents. Training of hysteroscopic skills outside the operating room is increasingly implemented in residency programs around the world. However, in India no such teaching program has been adopted into practice. Therefore, at Manchanda’s Endoscopic Centre (MEC), New Delhi we started a training program for gynecologists in hysteroscopy on simulators, with an aim to improve the endoscopic learning curve.
Methods: To assess the opinion of trainees on hysteroscopy performance and training, a survey was conducted after the 2 days hysteroscopy training programme among all trainees who enrolled for MEC workshop in between 2011 to 2017. The survey Comprised questions such as overall training session quality, wet lab training sessions, surgery enjoyable, interactive sessions, Your confidence level increased for starting hysteroscopy after training. The response from the students were taken as 1,2,3,4 where 1 stands for below average, 2 for Average and 3 for good and 4 for very good for each parameter.
Results: Total 78 trainees were included in the present study out of which 67.9% trainees mentioned overall session quality to be very good (p-0.001) whereas 60.2% trainees found wet lab training sessions as very good (p<0.001) and 73 % trainees rated the surgery enjoyable (p<0.001) as very good and 80.8 % trainees found our training sessions (p<0.001) as very good. Upon asking if their confidence level increased for starting hysteroscopy post our training session 37.2 % trainees said very good whereas 48.7% and 10.3% trainees said good and average respectively (p<0.001).
Conclusion: In the survey conducted post MEC training program the execution of hysteroscopic modules is judged as helpful in boosting their confidence level in performing basic procedures by gynecologists. Our module compared favorably with other modules around the world.