In India it can be said that until the early 20th century, the police as a subject was not academically pursued, discussed, debated and researched by the scholars of social science in general and sociologists in particular. The present study examines and analyzes the attitudes of police officers towards their profession, job related issues and the components that influence their surrounding work environment.As such, attitudes of police officers constitute an important dimension of the analysis of occupations and professions as these could be determining their approaches and perspectives towards their policing activities. This will enable us to understand the problems and prospects of police officers and also to come out with solutions and suggestions to improve their working conditionsin terms of professional sophistication, discipline, commitment, competence and excellence.The empirical study was conducted on 143 police officers in Bangalore city, capital of Karnataka, India. Findings indicate that the police officers are aware of the dominant trend of politics, risky nature of job, lack of better training, declining standards of police personnel so on and so forth.