Aim: To correlate posture and impaired balance in patients with diabetic neuropathy.
Background: Diabetes Mellitus is one of the most common diseases affecting the adult, with Diabetic Neuropathy being the leading complication. Balance and postural control are affected significantly by the presence of neuropathy, which interferes with sensory feedback and proprioceptive mechanisms on joints of the lower limb.
Methodology: A correlational study was undertaken wherein 30 subjects in the age group of 45-65yrs and their Michigan Neuropathy Scoring Instrument (MNSI) score ≥7 were included in the study. The subjects were asked to perform the Timed-Up-and-Go test and the time taken was recorded. In standing position, postural angles were measured using Markus Bader-Ruler (MB-Ruler).
Result: There was a negative correlation between TUG score and craniohorizontal angle (ρ = -0.018) and TUG score and craniovertebral angle (ρ =-0.118) andTUG score and trunk angle (ρ = -0.319), whereas a positive correlation between TUG score and lumbar angle (ρ =0.037) and TUG score and sway angle (ρ = 0.264).
Conclusion: The study concluded that there was no significant correlation between impaired balance and postural deviations in Diabetic Neuropathy patients.